Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Week 1

I have always been overweight.  I've accepted it.  I like being a curvy woman.  But there comes a time when "being curvy" interferes with being healthy.  For me, that time is now.  Each time I went to the doctor my weight continued to go up.  I was put on blood pressure medication.  I am continually having problems with my knees. I have plantar faciitis and a heel spur.  I also have hypopnea and have a great chance of developing type 2 diabetes.

After a co-worker mentioned earlier this week that she was for Weight Watchers this week I got excited.  I've actually done the Weight Watchers program before and had what I considered great success with it.  I lost about 21 pounds in about 6 months & stopped the program only because I'd reached my main lose 10% of my body weight & get pregnant.  Once I'd lost the weight, I got pregnant almost immediately.  Nolan's 5 now.  So, for the first time in 6 years (Feb 2006 is when I stopped) I went to a meeting.  I loved the energy of everyone there.  And while the instructor was a "skinny minnie", you couldn't help but get caught up in her excitement.

The weigh in was the hardest part.  I don't weigh myself anymore & don't get weighed except at the doctor's office.   I remembered that the WW scales are not kind....and last night was no exception.  So, my official weigh in was.....252.6 lbs.  (OUCH!!)  Based on my age, weight, & height - I am allotted 36 points a day for my food.

I have set baby step goals up for myself.  The first goal I want to reach is to lose 10% of my current weight.  That's 25 pounds.  I've done it before.  I know I can do it again.

This morning I woke up as a woman on a mission.  I am determined.  I had 2 eggs scrambled with a slice of toast & about a teaspoon of butter, 2 glasses of water.  I then took Nolan to school and Logan & I went to the YMCA so that he could play in the Kid Care area & I rode 5.5 miles on the stationary bike.  I then did 3 weight stations, but it was very busy & I had to pick Logan I didn't do much more.

Then I went shopping & picked up foods that I can eat.  Our house if full of stuff I need to stay away from to be successful, so I bought fruits and veggies, whole wheat bread, lowfat yogurt & cheese sticks, lean cold cuts and lots of bagged salad.  While I'm hungry & my body is protesting, I feel good about myself.  The day is more than half over and I've only used 16 of my points! ...and earned an extra 10 by working hard at the gym.

So, keep checking back on my progress.  Before you know it, I won't even recognize myself.